A new feature on my blog!
So I thought let's pop some more info about the things I love on my blog! To help you get to know my interests and maybe help yourself to some new life changers by getting to know what I know ;) Also in this blogpost I'll share some new updates about my way of blogging because I was all over the place and now I've figured it out!
Click to pictures to go to a favorites list!
I've restyled and edited these icons to the fullest until there where :) I love to create pretty things that match my layout lol :) I hope you enjoy these lists. I'm planning on making more and if you are curious where to find these list when you're on the home page of my blog: Just check the left column right under the Instagram widget!
New blog & youtube plan update!
So I've wrote down my resolutions and I'm still true to them :) But I've said I wanted to make more videos etc, still true but I've said somewhere not there that I wanted to chance the Memebox unboxings on my blog into youtube videos because I've messed up my boxes etc (long story). I've recently recorded a video and while recording that video I already knew where it was heading to a 30 minute video! hell no! But why. I'll tell you!
I'm Dutch and I'm dyslectic and with an unboxing you are supposed to give the information about the product and how you use it.. Reading English out loud from a card with tiny characters and very weird and difficult beauty words is just not do-able for me and therefore the video would be endless. But if you ask me to haul something that doesn't have a information card with it and you already know what it does, how to use and why you wanted it. So to record a video like that it's super easy for me. no reading just remembering!
The new plan is to go back to the old plan and start unboxing Memeboxes again on my blog and feelign free and wild to make youtube videos about everything I like. So hauls & review about beauty items, Fashion hauls, fun Jofee videos and other things. maybe a tag or chat video, who knows, we'll see!
Also Jofee just fell on his back while fetching his toy the other way around. now his sitting on my lap and looks sad and tired (because it's alos bedtime for him) Next thing is; watching the new episode of the Vampire Diaries and then it's bedtime for me!
Sweet dreams / have a great day!