My one true love
So I don't have much brushes,, well yeah I have but not a lot from different brands. I have tons of Sedona Lace brushes, a tiny small set of Hello Kitty brushes, and one or two other brand brushes. When I want or need a brush I always get them from Sedona Lace. I've lost this entire order in a basket under my bed, placed it there to make room for my memeboxes last year... I can't remember why I got these brushes xD

The brushes
Like I've said, about some I know what they are for but I forgot what my intension and plans where with them :D so now I got a set of extra brushes! I'll name the brushes from left two right.
Sedona Lace - Flat Top Kabuki Brush - Midnight Lace
$21.95 / Link to brush
This brush is ideal for liquid, cream, and powder products.
Sedona Lace - Bent Liner - EB 19
$13.95 / Link to brush
The ferrule is angled and the tip of the brush is dense and pointed to create a clean line.
Sedona Lace - Eye Shading Brush - 305 Black
$13.95 / Link to brush
This brush has dense, short bristles which provides control in packing on eye shadow color.
Sedona Lace - Synthetic Eye Shading Brush - 305
$13.95 / Link to brush
This synthetic brush has dense, short bristles which provide control in packing on eye shadow color.
Sedona Lace - Synthetic Round Top - 480 Black
$18.95 / Link to brush
This synthetic brush has rounded edges and is great for cream, liquid or powder products.
Why I got them...
Well the kabuki could be bought for maybe white loose powder. Because bronzer would be to heavy with this brush and foundation would be a whole lot of foundation lost in the brush so I think I got it to easily use white powder. The Bent liner was bought to teach myself how to line my eyes because I'm no pro! I've bought the normal hair eye shadow brush as a second if I want to use more different colors. The synthetic one for creamy kind of shadows but I have none lol :D And I think the round top brush for a softer foundation finish or something.
How they feel in: GOOD, SOFT, EPIC :D
What more can I say!?

Sedona Lace - Eyeliner Gel - Black Out
$5.95 / Link to product
The exceptional gel-formula allows the up most perfected application. They are long-lasting, smooth and smudge proof. It can also be uses as a cream eye shadow for a more dramatic effect.
Sedona Lace - Black Liquid Eye Pen
$4.95 / Link to product
The new felt-tipped Liquid Eyeliner Pen in jet-black, applies smoothly and without skipping, and lasts all day. The fine-tip point allows for precise, thin lines, or it can be laid on its side for dark, thick lines.
No review, keeping them closed until "play" time :D

Sedona Lace - 28 Neutral Palette
$15.95 / Link to product
28 piece eye shadow with an assortment of neutral tones in shimmer and matte. Several of the colors work as a shadow or a blush. This palette is perfect for achieving a neutral look.
The colors are well pigmented but soft, A bit between normal pigmented and Korean pigmented. I wanted to wear more neutral colors back then and so this came in handy. But now I feel I'm more picky about which color I ant on my eyes and this palette gives me too much choice and chaos lol :D But I like it and try to use it.
What I've paid
I'll never pay full price, always wait for discount deals and coupon codes :D
The Bent Liner brush, gel liner in black out and the liquid eyeliner pen together with shipping, costs me $14.88
The Palette, Kabuki brush, both eye shadow brushes and round top brush with shipping, costs me $50.53
I hope you've enjoyed this haul & review
See you next time!